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Online magazines. Constructed languages. Writing resources. Introduce yourself to Alex’s work without paying a cent.

Offsite Stories and Poetry

Click on the images to view each piece with their respective hosts.

Andrion has its own page here.

Constructed Languages


A chosen one who rejects her fate, the daughter she fails to protect, and the son she leaves behind: these are the main characters of Aerklas, a novel in the query trenches.

The Kallerian Language Family comprises the languages of the secondary world in Aerklas. It’s still in progress, but check out the informal article in /r/Conlangs’ Segments publication.


Codon is a completely impractical micro-language experiment based on RNA structure, created by Alex in 2014. Read about it in the journal post below, or download and use the language however you like.

Codon may be shared and used freely, but only with attribution.

Writing Resources

Free Download: A conlanger’s resource, the Constructed Language Template…

…keeps track of phonology and grammar rules

…contains a dictionary function separated by verbs, nouns, and other parts of speech

…will auto-conjugate and auto-decline words on a “cheat sheet” page

This is perhaps a bit of an intermediate-level resource: new conlangers may be slightly overwhelmed.

Free Download: The Career Reference and Submissions worksheet is a spreadsheet which allows writers to…

…track their submissions and queries

…keep track of future submissions

…take notes on future career moves

Color-coding and various formulae make it easy to see your stats, what’s been accepted or what’s coming back soon, and how long an agent’s had your query.